I remember when I started this blog it was to document that huge leap over the chasm (which I guess would be called Ontario) and into Quebec.
I don't know if I've documented that properly. I've documented the pain, the loneliness, the happiness, the jubilation, the fear, the anxiety etc.
But I don't know that anyone has really felt what I have in my move here.
I live in one of the most cosmopolitan cities in the world. I live right, bang smack in the middle of it.
I work two jobs that document two very different sides of me (I am a true gemini, after all).
I've lived in a working-class-of-yore neighbourhood, where the baker provided the bread, the fruit and vegetable market was around the corner, and where tiny TVs sat perched in little convenience stores called depanneurs.
And now I've undergone a whole new life-make over. Nothing is how it was. I feel that I've made two gigantic moves in the last year, because moving downtown (against my will) made me re-evaluate everything, and I really changed it all.
Montreal is my home. Even I haven't gotten used to that yet.
The other day, on a whim, I ended up in Ottawa in a rented car, picking up 42 organic pizzas.
I spent the afternoon on Parliament Hill, with an amazing new friend.
My photography has been noticed a bit and that feels great.
I talked Persian poetry with regulars at my job
My bosses have confidence in me
could it be that one of the hardest things I ever had to do has actually yielded something really incredible?
"i'm waiting for something. if that something is to realize"
I think I'll add to this all a bit later.
I still miss him and my old life and my old habits and everything about last winter when I was inconceivably happy.
"takes a long to forget"