Tuesday, December 28, 2010

01.02. December 28, 2010

I just finished packing...except for a few last bits.
What a bizarre feeling! Moses and I put my GIANT suitcase on the scale and it's 90.6 pounds.
I couldn't believe that I had an extra 90 pounds on me, so we double-checked and it actually read 40.6 pounds. Much better (and freer).

After spending two hours packing and sorting, I found out I have
69 quarters
100 pennies (american and Canadian)
over 100 nickels
Currency from China/Japan/Malaysia/Mongolia/some Far East country I have never visited.

I also had a cool amount of foreign currencies from places I'd actually been. Where, you ask?
Kroners from Iceland, Cedis from Ghana, Shillings from Uganda, Pesos from Mexico, Pence from EU, Pounds from UK...Moses and I enjoyed picking through them and I'm sure we both contracted several strains of communicable disease. Lucky airplane passengers!!

Anyway, my room echoes, the dust bunnies caused allergic reactions, and it turns out I've been hoarding polythene bags. I am arguably the greatest threat to the environment in my household. (although I'm almost certain I've seen some of these dust bunnies before, so maybe I'm recycling without realizing it.)

Since my abolishment of Facebook, I have felt more wholesome and in touch with the real world. I now sit on skype and check my blog absent-mindedly four-seven hours a day, but at least it's not facebook. Yesterday I saw a sign (or maybe I dreamt this...no I'm sure it actually happened) that said MARK ZUCKERBURG SAVED MY LIFE. I think I saw it on Corydon Avenue...and it may have been outside of Penner's Automobile Repair. Anyway, it was really bizarre, and I just had to assume they'd had more services because they'd pieced together a Group Page. Sort of the type of thing you would have expected to emerge back in 2007, when Facebook was still a novelty. BTW: Mark Z is the quapillionaire 20-something year old founder of Facebook.
Actually, using my photographic memory, I think the sign may have been outside of Hanabi Sushi, which attaches a whole new meaning to the thank yous...

OKAY. Tangent completed. I'm going to post some photos, that I would normally post on Mark Zuckerberg's brain child, and that my itchy friends are dying to scratch, or something...

My going away party was a smashing success (smashing because everyone was dressed up and people actually showed up). Seriously, the only thing missing was caviar and escargot turds. Check it out!

Moses and Kris lookin' fresh

My two favourite M-lettered men in the world

Father Moses?!

Dillon, M, and B

Team Kwagala, once again, in a flattering pose

Garrett....a bit awkwardly shaped.

Jazzy Julie

Moses checking for lice I suppose

Moses and Caleigh, pre-chaos

mes frères

Knees can't touch the floor; picking up a paper bag with your teeth.

Of course Kurtis is amazing at this and is actually writing his name!

Brother! Is he crooked!

John, Paul, Moses, James. What 5"2 looks like next to 6"6

Anybody else have outstanding holiday parties?

I hope everyone enjoys their Tuesday! Tonight is one big night of dancing, followed by tomorrow's big day of....waiting to move to Montreal. I'm measuring it in hours now.

Monday, December 27, 2010

01.01 - December 26, 2010

Oh hi.
Facebook - deleted.
Amount new stuff received for Christmas set my move back - 62%
Photo documented Christmas morning - absolutely.

I was psyched to be able to celebrate a low-key Christmas with Moses and my family this year. On December 24th, we sauntered to Gram's new place in Osborne Village to eat Tortière (delish!) and carrot jello (does anyone else's family do this?) and green beans. This was topped off with something we called squash - though I don't think we got (SEGUE: there's no such word as got. love you mum) a final answer on the specific type of squash. I didn't really care; I just wanted pastry stuffed with meat.
4 bottles of wine later, we were in fine moods and everyone's true personalities came out. Turns out, this family meshes well!
It was my first ever Christmas dinner with both my Mum and Dad, plus Moses, Chris, family friend Sue and the matriarch - Louise Lydia.

After dinner we decided we were all pooped, and headed to our various homes.
Not many hours later, we once again descended on poor Gram to host Christmas morning (also my first-ever Christmas morning away from Mum's living room! Sans tree...a bit sad, but the company made up for it).

Top moments of the morning:
Mum and I opening the SAME present at the SAME time....twice.
Moses' reaction to receiving a National Enquirer (he thought it was serious...)
Moses' reaction to everything, actually.
Fresh Belgian waffles with too much butter and strawberries.
Falling asleep in my Gram's bed, like I was six again

Next up was a trip to Dad's. His Christmases are always very personalized and he gives great gifts. We were served eggnog (straight? no, crooked. baha.) and sat around a warm mantle and opened even more gifts. I was spoiled with Microsoft Office (I'm a dork) and sound-silencing over the ear headphones (attempt to minimize chronic ear infection's flare-ups). Dad also gave Moses a gorgeous Fossil watch, which was engraved. Moses was so thrilled.
Chris got tickets to the Game in Vancouver! On the blue line! (whatever that means...)
Capped the day off with a 5-hour nap (it's still a nap right?) and then making liver and chicken and rice for Moses and I, cozied into a CSI marathon. Moses lasted only two episodes before falling into a deep slumber, which ended up lasting twelve hours.

Today was spent at St Vital Centre, searching for a new knap sack for Moses ("Dude, I got too much stuff.")
and then to Uncle Chris' to spend much-needed holiday time with the Muirheads. Gallons of wine, punch, crown royal and peach vodka poured into our tummies. A hilarious cousin gift exchange took place followed by an informal dinner and a hilarious game of Apples to Apples,  where, unsurprisingly, Auntie Linda prevailed as the winner.

This week is a busy one with last-minute get togethers with friends and family. Chris and Dad are both leaving for BC in the morning, and Moses and I will be painting the town red until 9:50am on Thursday.

Were your Christmases as beautiful and reflective as mine?
I'd love to hear about them!

Lesson of the day: Parentheses forever. Apparently, I like 'em.

MUM & I, x-mas eve. M'awww

The Ceramic Tree

Mum and Dad

Three generations!

Moses opens his present - a laptop

regaining composure...

Cute pajamas! (I'm wearing mine right now, actually)

Maternal wisdom


Papa, Moses, Frère

Sadly, this was the good picture...

Aunt, Cousin, Cousin

Moses loved the dogs at Uncle Tim's

of note:

24 (1) alive (1) alright (1) anger (1) Anniversary (1) anxiety (1) baking (1) beach (1) belief (1) best friend (1) books (1) break-through (1) broke (1) cappucinos (1) change (1) childhood (1) children (1) Christmas (2) clothes (2) cockfight (1) complaining (1) concerts (1) couchsurfing (1) ear (1) empty (1) enough (1) equinox (1) essays done (1) Family (4) Fancy (1) field trip (1) food (1) france (1) friday (1) Friends (3) Genocide (1) Gifts (1) gloom (1) goals (1) happy (1) heart (1) heroes of might and magic (1) Holidays (1) homeless (1) human rights (1) humility (1) hunger (1) international (1) internship (1) knives (1) lame (2) life (6) life lessons (1) lion (1) love (15) march (1) me (2) meltdown (1) mishaps (1) missing (2) modesty (1) Montreal (21) Moses (2) muffins (1) Mum (1) music (1) narcissism (3) new (1) New habit (1) Nicoisms (3) Nicolas (4) no shame (1) nostalgia (2) nostress (1) okay (1) on the up and up (1) ouch (1) pain (1) Party (1) passion (1) photography (17) reflection (1) romanticism (1) Rwanda (1) sad (1) self (6) shame (1) sick (1) single (1) snow (2) sorry for self (1) spring? (1) St Lucia (1) summer (1) sun (1) surprise (1) terrible (1) tomorrow might be better (1) travel (1) uganda (6) unimpressed (1) universe (1) upsettedness (1) vanity (1) visits (1) wants (1) weather (1) wine (2) Winnipeg (2) world (1)