Monday, September 26, 2011


there are people in this world whose pain, when I read about it, hear about it, see it, seems to truly effect me. their pain becomes mine.
I am feeling this pain for someone. I am so sorry for them.

even though my own pain is stranglingmetodeath, I wish I could take it all away from you.

i'm almost worried about having my best friend and mum visit in succession.
i'm afraid of the emptiness i'll feel when they leave.

but other than that, i can't freaking wait.

I have been working like crazy, and only have 15 hours now to clean the apartment, read 100 pages etc. before I have to be back at work.

I'll try to update soon. My creativity seems to be gone.
I can't believe it's been two months.

" i can't make you love me if you don't.
you can't make your heart feel something it won't.
i'll close my eyes. then I won't see. The love you don't feel when you're holding me. morning will come and i'll do what's right. just give me til then, to give up this fight."

Have I really been heartbroken for this long?
it feels like forever.

dear mum: proof i'm getting out of bed.


Saturday, September 24, 2011


can't go out, can't stay in.

can't live with
can't live without.

and so it goes.

I am and you are driving me crazy.

trust me.
nothing to get excited about.

à bientôt


Thursday, September 22, 2011

02.02. September 22

lotsa 2s

except this girl.
she's still only one.

it hurts to go out and be at places where we used to visit.
what hurts more is that people choose to not want me in their life.

i feel contagious


Tuesday, September 20, 2011

02.01 - new phase right?

I think this is the longest I have been single since I was 14.

it's weird.

thank god I come from the family I do and was born a powerful, independent, strong woman.

furthermore, thank you for leigh.

here is some new photography.
midnight rainstorm from my balcony - shot on film

old apartment, front and back. blue shade PX Impossible Film

my room - the essentials: pavin, photos, wine, post cards, cameras. shot on PX Impossible film

à bientôt


Friday, September 16, 2011

but don't worry.
i'm still dressing like a weirdo.
so not all is lost.


written lastnight.

Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck.
pardon my English.

I’m in full swing of soul-crunching, heart-shattering depression.
Read: sleeping all day. Not eating. Opting for a glass of wine and a plate of cheese instead of life-sustaining nutrients.
Read: Not knowing if I hate sleeping or being awake more. They both have their disadvantages. When I sleep, I dream. Enough said.
What I’m awake, I think. Enough said. I think and stare at the computer for honestly six hours at a time. And I’m not blogging. So I’m truly just staring at the screen.
This isn’t the kind of depressed where I can just double a dose of medication and feel better. I don’t want to feel better. I don’t want to wallow either. I just want to feel:
less bored
less unloved
less unappreciated
less alone
less lonely
less uncreative

nothing is sacred in my priorities anymore. Classes? Forget ‘em. Photos? I’m terrible at taking pictures. Work? Only getting one shift a week. Kwagala? I can’t stay awake long enough to do anything. Friends? Ha! What friends? Well, that’s not entirely fair to say. I have one or two in Montreal, but only one who I can really talk to, and I feel so bad. We have known each other for about six weeks, so all she has known me as is depressedasfuck Katie. And that’s so unfair. Not that she’s making it difficult. She has watched/listened to me bawl my eyes out and always just followed up with simple, practical yet sagely wisdom. She clearly gets me on some deep, deep level. Even hearing her talk about leaving Montreal some day in the very distant future gets me nervous. As far as I’m concerned she’s irreplaceable – as a person, and certainly as a friend.
Anyway, the issue with only having one friend is that it makes it difficult when she is busy, or just wants her own life. So, the friends department still feels barren. And so hard.

What else is hard you ask? Going from shocked to numb to hurt to missing. I am in mourning. And, typical me, I fight to the death and then crumble when I lose (what am I really losing at that point? I don’t know…but something). Number of times I have uttered “please take me back” (from asking enthusiastically to downtrodden to screaming my face off). And it is always the same response. I remember growing up if I wanted to go to a friend’s place and my parents said no, my friends would encourage me to keep asking. I never understood that approach – if they said no the first time, no amount of asking (to wear them down, or come up with a different bargain) was going to work. They’d just get more annoyed with me. So why don’t I do the same in my relationships? Why don’t I accept a clean break? Voila, c’est  tout. I guess because now I’m stubborn. More stubborn. Unaccepting of the things I can not control.
Maybe it’s the idea that people find such fundamental flaws in me and it absolutely *kills* when they simply say they can’t handle it. Of course rejection hurts. It’s scathing. But it’s a theme now. It’s a pattern. For the forty-five minutes I bothered going to class yesterday I stared at the teacher; afraid that if I looked peripherally I would see people in the room, and it would remind me that I am in fact, entirely alone. I tried to focus on myself, my education. It didn’t work. I came home and lay in bed.
My last three relationships have ended with the citing of my mental issues. Mental problems. Mental incapacities. Someone has actually said “well you said you were once diagnosed with borderline personality so…” to me. I WAS THIRTEEN! DIFFERENT DECADE! DIFFERENT FREAKIN CENTURY! (almost).
Someone has said “I can’t take how much you sleep. You never want to go out”.
Someone has said “You’re too hot and then too cold.”
Someone has said “You have abandonment issues.”
My stepmum says someone will love me for- and regardless of- these things. I’m not so certain. Look, I know I’m “only 24”. I recognize that. But, bear this in mind: All around me I see success and failure and age doesn’t play into it. Age is a number. Attitude is everything. And as far as I’m concerned, this is the oldest I’ve ever been, and I don’t know how things change after. I have more in common with someone in their 30s than someone in their teens. Not to mention, every single thing that has happened in my life has stitched itself into my heartmindsoulbody. No spaces because there are no spaces in my head when I think of it. It looks like this:

it’s all still in there and I don’t let go of it. I grow away from it, but I revisit it frequently and too easily. So take those experiences (or if that is my life, than take that experience) and bundle it altogether and of course I’ve lived. I’ve lived and experienced more than anyone, even if that experiences is blindingly dark.
It’s not that I want to change it even if I could. My pain is my only channel for empathy. Happy people don’t empathize with happy people and events. No. I feel others’ pain. I still would take their pain and bring it on myself because I’m certain I can handle it. That’s not my problem. I can handle this. But the way I handle it is my very own. And if it means sitting cross-legged on the floor screaming into my arms, crying my eyes out and pounding the hardwood floor and hitting my face with my hands until I collapse into exhaustion…well then I guess so be it? I don’t know what else my options are. I don’t want to hurt. This isn’t masochistic. I want love and in love. Breathlessness from ecstatic encounters. Something will change soon right? I won’t always think about everything I’ve lost and miss it and need it? I won’t keep taking sleeping pills just so I can ensure I fall asleep?
God…change is romanticized. Let me tell you. A new city, a new life, new friends, new circles, new people, new languages, new province, new challenges…before they’re exciting, they suck. You need the self-regard of a pharaoh to make it.
owww. My heart hurts. Make me feel better.
I miss:
I’m going to vomit. i think. What the hell do I do?
“take me back?”
“my decision is final.”

I know. I knew that. Why the fuck did I bring it up? FUCK
“He can’t rescue you; can’t pull the demons from your head. Can’t lull you from your sleepy bed. He can’t rescue you”

A year ago I was arriving for the birthday into a new city, checking out the university of my dreams. Now I’m alone, broken. Which means today is his birthday. Even if you read this and we have our differences, the simple humanness in you would see the pain this conjures.
I leave this open-ended. I simply wish…

Friday, September 9, 2011

secrets to share soon.
tomorrow i'm not wearing this dress because tomorrow is not my wedding day.

i want my life back.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

first day of school

well I started Concordia yesterday. And man is it going to be a busy year. 
I'll work probably two, maybe three nights a week; I have two courses at Concordia on Wednesday and Thursday evenings and then three online courses through the University of Winnipeg. What classes you ask?
1. History and Sociology of Genocide up to 1945 - a different take on things since the class is equally divided between politics/human rights/history students and sociology/psychology students. Also, it starts back in Hedonistic times. Mongols, Romans, Zulus, Aboriginals...covers it all - and in only 13 two-hour classes. My friend Kenneth is also in the class, even though he's a graduate student and it's an undergrad class. 

2.African Popular Culture. I'm not sure what to expect from this course; I have it tonight for the first time, and I'm not even sure what popular culture in Africa is. Nigerian movies? Keyboard-based music? Revolution? No matter what it'll be fine since, after all, it does have the word Africa in it, and that's 50%  of my university course-taking criteria right there.

3. Disability Studies 
4. Survey History of Canada up to 1939
5. Environmental Sustainability (science credit. terrifying.)

The last three are my online U of W courses.

My room is pretty well moved in; I just need a hammer to nail some art to the walls. The rest of the apartment is deplorable in terms of cleanliness and so I'm mostly just hiding in my room. Seriously, I've never seen such little tidiness. I know it exists, and I know it could be worse, but for now, I prefer my female-scented albeit cluttered room.
I have been spending my days pretty much in bed being the laziest I have ever been. I always forget that I get really down in September; and so far this has been a cloudy and difficult September in Montreal. I was feeling pretty rough for the last week and it sort of climaxed late last night and so now I'm trying to pick myself back up and start all over into a rhythm that is hopefully less destructive. 
Emotions + boredom = disaster. Lots of self-deprecation and feelings of unworthiness. Lastnight I wrote though and that helped. helped in a roundabout way. It felt great, but then after, the catharsis set in and I found myself texting friends in Winnipeg and Montreal and feeling very, very, alone.


This is my adventure. This is mine. This is for me. Montreal is my home because I chose for it to be.
I can keep waiting for someone to pull me out of this, but truthfully, I know it's me who has to pull herself out.

I need to get out of downtown Montreal too. Explore the city again - I'm getting too comfortable in my room, surrounded by but still away from the people and the buzz of this cosmopolitan city.

Tomorrow I am heading out with my lifelinesavinggracebestfriendinmontreal Danielle for a night of reckless abandon and folly. folly? Is that what I want to say? I'm not even sure what folly means.

1. Stay on top of school. Own it.
2. Photograph more. Take at least one picture a week that I am proud of
3. Care about myself more
4. Organize my room and the apartment
5. Meet friends. 
6. Spend no money.

Okay. That's graspable.

Good thing I have a little slice of Winnipeg arriving here in 19 days. Sounds like I need it.

sorry for the lack of blogging. please keep reading.

-out of the ashes-

à bientôt


Monday, September 5, 2011

my bed for the last week. eww.

i personally prefer the afters over the befores.
my silence is not without guilt. I'll update soon.


of note:

24 (1) alive (1) alright (1) anger (1) Anniversary (1) anxiety (1) baking (1) beach (1) belief (1) best friend (1) books (1) break-through (1) broke (1) cappucinos (1) change (1) childhood (1) children (1) Christmas (2) clothes (2) cockfight (1) complaining (1) concerts (1) couchsurfing (1) ear (1) empty (1) enough (1) equinox (1) essays done (1) Family (4) Fancy (1) field trip (1) food (1) france (1) friday (1) Friends (3) Genocide (1) Gifts (1) gloom (1) goals (1) happy (1) heart (1) heroes of might and magic (1) Holidays (1) homeless (1) human rights (1) humility (1) hunger (1) international (1) internship (1) knives (1) lame (2) life (6) life lessons (1) lion (1) love (15) march (1) me (2) meltdown (1) mishaps (1) missing (2) modesty (1) Montreal (21) Moses (2) muffins (1) Mum (1) music (1) narcissism (3) new (1) New habit (1) Nicoisms (3) Nicolas (4) no shame (1) nostalgia (2) nostress (1) okay (1) on the up and up (1) ouch (1) pain (1) Party (1) passion (1) photography (17) reflection (1) romanticism (1) Rwanda (1) sad (1) self (6) shame (1) sick (1) single (1) snow (2) sorry for self (1) spring? (1) St Lucia (1) summer (1) sun (1) surprise (1) terrible (1) tomorrow might be better (1) travel (1) uganda (6) unimpressed (1) universe (1) upsettedness (1) vanity (1) visits (1) wants (1) weather (1) wine (2) Winnipeg (2) world (1)